What is a Wellness Advisor?

A wellness advisor works with clients to improve overall health. Their responsibilities are to help clients make changes to nutrition, physical fitness, and lifestyle through education and personal training. Some wellness consultants also focus on spiritual or psychological help. People in this career use their skills and experience to help people meet their fitness and lifestyle goals.

Importance of understanding Health and Wellness

The main reason health and wellness matter is that it makes us happy and can be healthy. Importance of health and wellness is becoming more and more important. This is because health can affect a person’s quality of life in many ways.  To take care of our own health and wellness we extend our life by being healthy and also

Health and wellness is a very important topic. We are surrounded by it all the time – from the people we live with, to our food, to our lifestyle. Health and wellness have a huge impact on our lives, so we must take care of ourselves.

In the course, we cover the following in 19 modules:

Basics of Coaching
12 body systems
Chinese medicine
Natural medicine
and many more…

This short course is a 12 months course in continuous learning.

Currently, we are in the process discussing with the Ethno Medicine board for qualification.
We also in the process of filing an application with SETA

Pricing and Plans

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+27 60 805 1973
+27 71 306 7333